
Leader and Master builder in the sacred avant-garde movement for the spiritual re-evolution of Humanity in these times. Master of Cosmic Law. Guardian of Divine Truth. Fearless, tireless and infallible Warrior capable of working true miracles through his creative healing. Shaman of the future who is not intimidated by any challenge, especially when it takes to face any manifestation not aligned with Divine Justice, the Light of Truth, balance and Universal Cosmic Laws.nPowerful Quantum Surgeon. He brings up Unity within the individual and also brings us up the irradiation of the Collective as One Powerful Force of change and spiritual advancement. His service not only offers healing tools but also shows each sister and brother the path to their own self power, to find their own tools and recognize their deepest true essence. He is a Path Opener Warrior devoted to Light, Truth and Source -Divine Mother- Father."Marta "Oceanica" Fernandez Renowned Psychic/Shaman/Medicine Woman
I am so grateful for everything I have in my life right now and each one of you. Yesterday I reached out to my mum after barely talking to her after she left 32 years ago. I told her I forgive her and that I love her. She told me about the guilt she holds but also told me she loves me too. I've never heard that from the women I needed to hear it from most, now we can build bridges. My relationship with my baby's mum and daughter is much stronger. I cried for the first time in a long time, thanking her for not leaving me in my darkest hour. Although we had separated, she knew I was in a battle and stood by me. Without that, I may have sunk deeper into a place I may not have come back from. From this day forward, I will continue to nurture my vessel, doing everything in my power to stay in my heart center. I have a new lease for life now and may it continue to grow.
I just want to thank each and every one of you for holding such a beautiful space and allowing me to be vulnerable, to open my heart in ways I couldn't have dreamed of. You are all beautiful in your own unique ways. Now is the time, we are coming together, our tribe is remembering, and our gifts combined will allow this transition into this new age to be a beautiful one. Brother Lewis, Brother MJ, I see you. I needed you this weekend, and you were there. The healings you gave me to help release the darkness were powerful, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I love you both. I wish you all a beautiful week, and remember, if you don't believe in your magic, there is no magic.
Hi Lewis, just wanted to say thank you for the healing the other day. It gave me clarity on my past. I spoke to my mum and told her how I'd felt at the time, how it's been in me all these years, and it's now out there. That part of me is now in recovery.
Hey Lew, hope you're alright. Got some more good news – I have just found out I am pregnant! Naturally, I can't believe it! I had a cycle after the last Kambo, and it's been from then!! OMG Lewis, I'm so happy and grateful for all your help, honestly I am! Just thought I should let you know.
Thank you for taking the time to help me, Lew. Honestly, I'm so glad I have met you. Thank you. And my Kambo journey definitely isn't over! I will keep you updated. Take care.
Hey Lewis, I have some more news. I went for a cancer check-up the other day, and they rang me yesterday to say my bloods are showing I'm pregnant. So, I did a test, and I am! A year later, after I found out with Luke. How funny! I genuinely believe that Kambo has healed my fertility issues 100%. Can't believe it! Haha.
Alright bro, I know you must be busy, but I just want to thank you for my treatment. It's been a year since I came to take your medicines, and it's made a massive impact on my life. I'm more patient, confident, and started working for myself. I'm healthier in every way - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you so much. I'll see you again sometime.
Hey Lewis, i just had to message and say thank you so much. I can't remember a time that i was ever this happy. From the 6 week inner alchemy course to the beautiful space you held at the weekend I just have so much love and gratitude in my heart for me, everyone and everything around me. It's not been easy but you have helped and guided me through the process and for that I will be forever grateful. Peace, love and happiness to you.
Thank you beautiful people for the most wonderful weekend. The love in that room is something I've never felt before, the beauty in watching everybody healing them selfs was amazing and powerful. Love to you all
Blessings everyone! I've just touched down back home, amazing weekend with amazing people! Big love
Honestly my heart is wide up and im feeling blessed such an amazing weekend was great to see you all xx
Thank you to all you beautiful people for being so kind and loving. I felt so supported through the darkness. I feel on top of the world right now. Love you all
Thank you everyone for this most beautiful weekend beginning 11:11 such a special place and my heart is so wide and happy .. feeling blessed
Morning Lew! Hope you've had a good rest. Just really want to thank you again for everything, for the whole journey, and for all of your support over the years, I really see you and the profound grounded magic that runs through you, and am so grateful to have you in my life. Thank you.
Hi Lewis, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for everything over the weekend. You and your crew are utterly amazing people! I feel so blessed to have met such incredible people and be a part of everyone's journeys. You are doing big BIG things for the collective and I will be eternally grateful for my experiences this weekend. So much love to you.
Wow, what a weekend. Still landing and deeply processing through my own experiences. Woke up reminded of Lewis's words: "You don't always get what you want; you get exactly what you need." And I definitely got to work through that! Thank you all for holding such a powerful container for us to journey through. It was an absolute honor to be sat with you. Happy integrating. So much love and gratitude to you all.
Ahhhhh Family, really want to send you All the deepest love and gratitude for this weekend. Felt like such a connected unit all weekend and it was an absolute pleasure to serve beside you all. Thank you for alllll the Medicine, and allll the LOVE. Absolutely love you all and feel so blessed to dance this dance of life together.
Back home safe n sound hope you all got back ok. Such a beautiful loving weekend of empowerment. Thank you all
Thank you beautiful people for the most wonderful weekend. The love in that room is something I've never felt before, the beauty in watching everybody healing them selfs was amazing and powerful. Love to you
Thank you everyone for this most beautiful weekend beginning 11:11 such a special place and my heart is so wide and happy .. feeling blessed
What an amazing weekend with amazing people. Still trying to process it. I got everything I needed, wanted and more! Hope all you beautiful souls did too. Thank you
Not sure there is enough power in words to convey the magic that occurred this weekend on this magnificent 11:11 portal and the depths of reclamation and remembering that took place. I feel so profoundly blessed, to have journeyed through the pain, and through the love with the bravest most beautiful souls. Today I feel so fulfilled, and in a place of full acceptance of myself and my souls path here on this Earth in this time. It is time for us all to remember the bigger picture, and to reclaim all parts of ourselves so that we may shine fully, and not from a place of arrogance, but because shining is essential for all of us, when we shine our light it gives others around us permission to shine theirs. When we connect through our pain and our humanness, when we truly SEE each other and all we have carried, it helps us to put the stories down, and feel the overwhelming blast of unconditional Love that is ALWAYS available to us, because we ARE unconditional Love. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Morning bro. Just wanted to say thank you so much man. I feel like I've really shifted through some deep stuff over the weekend and it's brought this immense Clarity on so many things. Appreciate the work you do brother and really honour working with vou. Much love
thank you so much for sharing ur gift ive tried 'normal' therapy but it doesnt work great for me brain so glad ive found your practice
Hi Lewis Just wanted to say how grateful and blessed I am to have spent the last 6 weeks on your first inner alchemy course. It was a revealing and nurturing space you have created that will help many more people who commit to an intense look at the patterns that have attracted them to the opportunity on offer. Divine timing for me personally and very proud to have completed your first run of such an empowering course. With only a fleeting moment of expectation ... I have faith I will be able to connect with you further down the road 35 All the best buddy and much love
I just wanted to say thank you so much for the Inner Alchemy course, it has been a phenomenal 6 weeks that I have really enjoyed. It has been a journey for sure, lots of ups and downs and many realisations have occurred as a result of the course material that was provided, as well as the conversations, consultations and the kambo sessions themselves. Looking at yourself deeply isn't easy, it's hard work but the other side is wonderful. I have been on my healing/awareness journey for some time, it doesn't happen overnight, especially when you are working with deep rooted issues and I know I will still have things to work though going forward, however I am grateful for the journey and I am proud of myself for the work I have put in and where I am right now.
In particular, my mindset has shifted and I am seeing my future and what is possible for me, in a whole new light. I have shifted and removed beliefs that were no longer serving me and deepened my awareness of where these cycles, patterns and behaviours came from. It's so freeing knowing you don't need to hold onto these any longer and that these do not define you as a person. Lewis is a fantastic teacher and space holder and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you are thinking about doing this course and are serious about making positive changes to your life and your beliefs then | 1000% recommend!
but after a good sleep I woke up yesterday feeling lighter, positive and clear about my intentions and same today. I feel in a completely different frame of mind and have made some well needed changes physically and emotionally already. I'm aware it's early days and will need to keep a check on myself with this attitude and flow. But I am so pleased I did it. Thank you so much again for holding such a wonderful space for us all. You have such a beautiful energy about you. Calming and safe. Jo
Thank you so much Lewis! I feel soooooo much calmer! And different at the same time! I feel like I have something/energy/ like golden aura with me on the right side, it's hard to explain. Ive done it! exam !! you for helping me out! last one next week! Pass the thank
Hey Lewis, just want to thank you for helping me and making me feel heard. Feel a bit teary but great at the same time. X
The work you do is so amazing and your so easy to talk to. Think yesterday was the first time in a long time I fully opened up and didn't feel stupid or come away question myself You hold such a safe space. Have a boss day. X
I have never met anybody before as gifted as Lewis & kev. They truly help people improve their mental well-being pretty much instantly .A stronger mindset ... a door opened to better thinking & a happier outlook on life. I know that anybody with trauma either big or small would 100% benefit from visiting them. I absolutely loved the shamanic healing & breath work which was a huge release, something I couldn't of done alone I recently had the kambo treatment with Lewis which has instantly improved my relationship with myself & I can now see the bigger picture in all that I do with less heaviness & doubt. It's helping me do better in my personal life & work too massively. I cannot recommend these guys enough
Hey Lewis, I just wanted to say a big thank you for Monday, can't believe how much better I feel.... Had 6 new clients start with me since as well. So glad I Did it!
That was amaizing mate thankyou so much for it I feel 100 times better than I did when I came at the start you are an amazing man thanks so much for all your help
It's not easy to let go of things for me but you guided me through well. For years I did many meditations and still have stuff to work on.